Thursday, November 03, 2005

A lesson on Tourmaline

Did you know that Tourmaline has more than one name?
Tourmaline is also known as: Rubellite, Verdelite, and Indicolite, Verdite or Elbaite, and many others as you shall soon see!
Rubellite is what we commonly refer to as the Pink or Red Tourmalines.
Verdelite is what we refer to as Green Tourmaline.
Indicolite is what we refer to as Blue Tourmaline.
Verdite or Elbaite is what we refer to as Watermelon Tourmaline.
Siberite is what we refer to as Purple Tourmaline.
Phrizite or Shorl is Black Tourmaline, yes I did say Black.
Tsilaisite is Yellow Tourmaline.
Achorite is a colorless, clear Tourmaline.
Liddicoatite is a beautiful rare Red Tourmaline, you rarely see this one used in jewelry due to the limited number of mines.
Liddicoatite is primarily found on the island of Madagascar. A nice 2cm specimen can fetch a whopping $300.00 Plus!
Dravite is a Brown Tourmaline.
Yes, Tourmalines do come in a Rainbow of Colors.

Tourmaline has some nicknames?
Brazil Sapphire, Brazil Emerald, and it is even called the Peridot of Brazil!
Todays primary sources for Tourmaline are Southern California, which produces the largest variety of colors.
Other primary locations include,Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya and Tanzania.
Klein Spitzkopje in Africa produces a light green Tourmaline that when heated turns a beautiful Emerald Green.
Most other Tourmalines that come from Africa are Red.
Please do not forget to visit our Glimmering Gems this Holiday Season to see what Tourmaline items we may be featuring!

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