Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Horse Slaughter, where is the verdict?

As a concerned animal lover, I have once again sent letters to my representative expressing my disgust with the act of horse slaughter.
The horse slaughter was "supposed" to have ended March 10 2006 but instead the USDA has is now decided to allow a new program called a fee-for-service slaughter of horses at three slaughter houses in the United States(two in Texas, one in Illinois).

While it may seem as if the consumption of horse meat truly does not happen on a large scale. It does. Just last week my husband was in Switzerland at a hotel on business, he went to the hotel restaurant for dinner. He was utterly disgusted when he was faced with a menu item that read "horse steak - imported from Texas" He thought he was going to be sick.

Although we may never completely abolish horse slaughter, we can still fight for what is right, and for the ethical treatment of those horses that are inevitably slaughter bound.

For more information please visit the following websites:
The Humane Society has a informative, yet sad article located at
The Humane Society STOP Horse Slaughter

You will also find interesting reading at:

And if you are concerned about horse welfare please read this page, or at least scroll to the bottom and see what you find of interest.

There is a video about horse slaughter so graphic that it made me cry, and I was not able to make it through the video completely. If you would like to see the footage, you can find them at this link from Society for Animal Protective Legislation This is another wonderful site dedicated to the protection and humane treatment of animals.

If anyone has information on the verdict please e-mail me. I will post the information as soon as I find any results.
Remember only together can we make a difference.

Rhonda Tatum -
Glimmering Gems Fine Jewelry

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